Mapae Grant: One Horse – Frank Bua

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Understanding Korea: No Gun Ri and the Miracle on the Han

In September 2023 Frank Bua hosted two professional development workshops for colleagues in Great Neck Public Schools. The first workshop focused on the No Gun Ri Massacre, an event often overshadowed by broader Korean War discussions. Teachers explored how the selective framing of this tragedy in U.S. media contributes to collective amnesia about the war’s complexities. The second workshop shifted to the Korean economic miracle, also known as the “Miracle on the Han River.”

Reflecting on the Past

Frank’s workshops invited participants to reflect on how survivor testimonies shape public memory, reinforcing hegemonic narratives while silencing alternative voices. In addition, participants reflected on the power dynamics between South Korea and the U.S. during No Gun Ri. Further, teachers explored how South Korea’s rapid transformation into an economic powerhouse was driven by government intervention and industrialization.

According to Frank, “ I loved doing a deeper time into topics I explored with KWLF and WHDE, and opening up others’ eyes to the wonderful world of Korea.”

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