Lesson Plan Library

Free Lesson Plans for Teachers

WHDE offers a set of free resources for teachers to help students better understand Korea. The lesson plans cover a variety of topics including geography, religion, economic development, culture, history, and the Korean War. Search our archive of lessons plans by topic, skill or grade level. You can find more teaching resources on the Korean War on the Korean War Legacy Foundation website. Visit teachingaboutnorthkorea.org to find lesson plans and activities for teaching about North Korea.


Showing 51 - 60 of 84 lesson plans:

Pushing Possibilities

earth seen from space

Students will explore the economic differences between North Korea and South Korea and apply concepts of production possibilities in order to make informed determinations about the economic prosperity (or lack thereof) in both North Korea and South Korea. In small groups of 4-5, students will be presented with a variety of sources. These sources will help students draw conclusions, make inferences and make comparisons of production possibilities in both North Korea and South Korea. Students will then engage in a gallery walk to view the conclusions of the various groups in the classroom. Finally, students will individually reflect on the activity.



Author: Eliel Hinojosa

Grades: Middle (6-8), Secondary (9-12)

Time: One 45- minute class

Participation Year: Fellowship 2018

Skills: Analysis

Topics: Economics, Globalization

Rethinking Economic Development Measures: A South Korean Case Study

Korean flag over photos

This lesson helps students develop a nuanced understanding of economic development, encouraging critical thinking about how we measure progress and success on a national and global scale. It aligns well with broader educational goals of promoting analytical skills, global awareness, and multifaceted approaches to complex issues.



Author: Thomas Sakole

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: 60-80 minutes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2024

Skills: Analysis, Comparison

Topics: AP Economics, AP Human Geography, Economics, World History

Revolutionary Thinking: Extending Knowledge of the American Revolution through Korean History and Culture

two flags in front of wall

In order to connect the content to the district curriculum (7th grade American History), this lesson will be taught during the month of May. The timing is important because May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Students will be provided with information about Korean history, while also linking the form of sijo poetry to the content that I’m teaching at the time, which is the American Revolutionary War. Students will compare and contrast the Japanese colonization of Korea with the American Revolution. Then students will go on to create a sijo poem about a person or event of the American Revolution.



Author: Georgette Hackman

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: Two 45-minute classes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2019

Skills: Analysis, Comparison

Topics: Sijo Poetry

Role of Investigative Reporting

old photo of group of men

Students will work independently and in small groups to develop an overview of the events of the Wounded Knee Massacre, No Gun Ri Massacre and My Lai Massacre. Through small group discussions, they will compare and contrast the causes and effects of these atrocities. Through their investigation they will discuss the role investigative journalism played in exposing the events to the American and International community. This will lead them to a culminating assignment in which they are tasked with explaining the role investigative journalism can play in exposing human rights violations and shaping public perceptions and calls for action?



Author: Jaime Jarvis

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: 7-9 class periods (40 minute periods)

Participation Year: Fellowship 2024

Skills: Analysis

Topics: US History

Schools Around the World Focused Inquiry K-2

three smiling children

This inquiry leads students through an investigation of schools around the world, using a case study of elementary schools in South Korea. Students investigate the compelling question “How is school different around the world?” by evaluating images, videos and infographics about schools in a different part of the world. The formative performance tasks build on knowledge and skills through the course of the inquiry and help students see similarities and differences between their own lives and those of children living around the world. Students create an evidence-based argument about the ways in which schools are similar and different between cultures and geography.



Author: Elaine Alvey

Grades: K-3

Time: 40 minutes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2019

Skills: Comparison, Inquiry

Topics: Geography, Schools

Seon Buddhism in Korea

elegant, empty room with Buddha statue

This lesson will explain the spread of Buddhism, its connection and importance to Korea, as well as the way in which it is expressed through Seon Buddhism in Korea today. Note: This lesson assumes an introduction to early Buddhism, its founding, and basic beliefs



Author: Michael-Ann Cignilia

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: Two 50-minute classes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2018

Skills: Analysis

Topics: Religion

Seoul as a Primate City

Skyline view of Seoul at night

This lesson on Seoul as a primate city provides students with an in-depth understanding of the concept of primate cities, using Seoul as a case study. Through this lesson, students will explore the defining characteristics of primate cities, analyze the economic and cultural significance of Seoul, and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of having a primate city. By the end of the lesson, students will have a better understanding of the complexities and implications of urbanization and economic development in primate cities.



Author: Allison Cecil

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: 60 minutes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2024

Skills: Analysis

Topics: AP Human Geography, Geography

Shamanism and Ancestor Worship in the Sea of Japan

definition of shamanism

This lesson introduces students to the spiritual practices of Shamanism and Ancestor Worship in Korea, China and Japan, focusing on their cultural significance and historical development. Students will explore how these practices reflect the values and beliefs of the societies around the Sea of Japan and compare the similarities and differences among the three countries. Through discussion, analysis of primary sources, and a creative synthesis project, students will gain a deeper understanding of the role of spirituality in shaping cultural identity.



Author: Dylan Sirois

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: 70 minutes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2024

Skills: Analysis, Comparison

Topics: World History

South Korea – Culture, Economic Measures of Devleopment, and the World Economy

world map with pins

This lesson describes the significance of the Korean wave (Hallyu) beyond just K-pop music.



Author: Kimberly Crawford

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: 60 minutes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2024

Skills: Analysis

Topics: AP Human Geography

South Korea: Then and Now

teachers in front of class of small children

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the country of South Korea and how it has changed over time. Students will be exposed to a variety of primary source photographs around 6 different themes (City of Seoul, Children & Schools, Businesses, Transportation, The Han River and Homes) that depict South Korea before the Korean War, during the war and modern day. Students will work in groups to compare and contrast what is happening in each of the sources.



Author: Rachel Turner

Grades: 4-5

Time: One 50-minute class

Participation Year: Fellowship 2018

Skills: Comparison

Topics: Economics, Korean War