Lesson Plan Library

Free Lesson Plans for Teachers

WHDE offers a set of free resources for teachers to help students better understand Korea. The lesson plans cover a variety of topics including geography, religion, economic development, culture, history, and the Korean War. Search our archive of lessons plans by topic, skill or grade level. You can find more teaching resources on the Korean War on the Korean War Legacy Foundation website. Visit teachingaboutnorthkorea.org to find lesson plans and activities for teaching about North Korea.


Showing 41 - 50 of 84 lesson plans:

Low Birthrates, Gender Inequality Cloud South Korea’s Economic Forecast

stall with handbags for sale - sign saying Made in Korea

The Republic of Korea has been lauded as an example of a booming capitalist economy since the end of the Korean War. One of the “Asian Tigers” economically, the nation has excelled in automotive and electronics production, increasing GDP and the standard of living since the devastation of the war. Currently, however, low birth rates threaten the long-term economic prospects of the nation and bring up policy solutions that may clash with traditional Korean culture. This lesson explores how the current low birth rate and gender inequality in the workforce threaten the Republic of Korea’s long-term economic prospects. The lesson also requires students to evaluate possible solutions to these problems.


Author: Abby Dupke

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: Two 50-minute classes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2018

Skills: Evaluation, Interpretation

Topics: Economics, Labor, Politics

Metal Movable Type: The Jikji and the Gutenberg Bible

book with Korean writing

The main topic of this lesson is the place of Korea in the global history of printing technology. Students examine both video and written sources to determine the comparative importance of Korean and European moveable metal type printing.



Author: Patrick Whelan

Grades: Middle (6-8), Secondary (9-12)

Time: 1- 45 minute class

Participation Year: Fellowship 2019

Skills: Comparison, Evaluation

Topics: Jikji

No Gun Ri

The Bridge at No Gun Ri

Students will delve deeper into the analysis of America’s role and culpability in the No Gun Ri Massacre, examining the long-term impact and responses from both American and Korean perspectives.



Author: Frank Bua

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: 2 Class Periods (45 minutes each)

Participation Year: Fellowship 2024

Skills: Analysis

Topics: AP Government, AP US History, US History

No Gun Ri: The Importance of Remembering Even Horrific Massacres During War

Table of years, events

Students will critically analyze Suhi Choi’s article to understand how historical narratives are shaped and the consequences of silencing survivors’ stories. They will discuss the significance of historical memory and how it influences public perception.



Author: Melissa O'Malia

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: one 45 minute period

Participation Year: Fellowship 2024

Skills: Analysis

Topics: AP US History, AP World History, US History, World History

North Korean Defectors: An Analysis of the Human Side of the Story

barracks with guards

This lesson analyzes sources related to historical and current events on the Korean peninsula, focusing on the stories and experiences of North Korean refugees and defectors. Using differentiated primary and secondary sources, students will review the history of Korea in the 20th century, the division of the Korean Peninsula, the and major events up to the present day in order to better understand the background behind the division of Korea as it stands today. Students will then use this background knowledge to understand the setting and circumstances behind the stories of real North Korean defectors.



Author: Randy Martin

Grades: Middle (6-8), Secondary (9-12)

Time: 3 60-Minute Classes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2019

Skills: Analysis

Topics: Communism, Korean War, North Korea

Nuclear Attack on Seoul and Tokyo – Teaching About the Crisis with North Korea

map of North Korea with bomb-blast radii

Students will explore the possible impact of how a potential first strike against North Korea could lead to an attack on Seoul and Tokyo.



Author: Tom Mueller

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: 90 minutes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2020

Skills: Analysis, Cause and Effect

Topics: Current Events, North Korea

One Peninsula, Two Systems: Explaining the Economic Rise of South Korea

night-sky scene of city

Why do some countries develop rapidly, growing their economies and influence on the world stage while other countries struggle to achieve economic takeoff? This is a central question in Human Geography and an important question in World History. The Korean Peninsula provides a case study for the exploration of this question. This peninsula of a common people with a shared history was divided not only by a civil war but by competing ideologies and foreign alliances. In this lesson students will explore the causes of South Korea’s rise and the sharp divisions that remain between the two Koreas.



Author: Matthew Sudnik

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: 2 80-minute classes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2019

Skills: Comparison

Topics: Economics, North Korea, Politics

Overlapping and Competing Religions and Cultural Traditions in Korea

ornate template roof

This lesson examines the overlap of major religious and cultural traditions in Korea. It invites students to consider the role of culture and religion in the lives of indivuals as well as the exclusivity of religious systems in Korea and East Asia. It also invites students to consider their own religions and cultural traditions and how they do or do not overlap. (In this lesson the term overlap is used, however teachers can also use the term “syncretism” when appropriate).



Author: Evan Liddle

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: 2- 55 minute classes or 1- 90 minute class

Participation Year: Fellowship 2019

Skills: Application, Comparison

Topics: Confucianism, Culture, Religion, Syncretism

Part 1: Managing the Tributary System with China in the Joseon era.
Part 2: Language as a tool of power within a Tributary System

Hangeul Day

The early Chosun (Joseon) Dynasty established themselves 1392 and lasted until 1912. Within the context of East Asia, the Korean peninsula had established itself as a tributary state as far back as the 4th century CE. This relationship had far reaching effects on Korean society and its internal power structure.

This lesson has two components plus some extensions.
1) Students will learn about the Tributary relationship between China and Korea and how the elites (yangban) maintained power through their adoption of Neo-Confucianism. Students will analyze primary sources to practice those skills and will use secondary sources to find evidence demonstrating the importance of Neo-Confucianism in the Joseon court.

2) Day 2 explores the role of language as a tool of maintaining power. Students will explore King Sejong’s creation of Hunminjeongeum (later called Hangul) as a way of educating the people and will also explore the role of the elites in suppressing the expansion of Hangul. The day includes students creating arguments for either the expansion or suppression of Hangul as well as counter-arguments to help practice the skill of using evidence to analyze.



Author: Heidi Pasternak

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: 2 Class Periods (45 minutes each)

Participation Year: Fellowship 2024

Skills: Analysis

Topics: AP World History, World History

Population Pyramids: A Case Study

then and now scene, side by side photos

South Korea experienced a dramatic and sudden shift in economic and demographic standards during and after the Korean War. Students examining population pyramids for this same time period recognize and correlate the data in order to explain how the population of the country changed and how this impacted South Korea’s standing in the DTM.



Author: Lisa Waligora

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: Two 50-minute classes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2018

Skills: Analysis, Comparison

Topics: Geography

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