Lesson Plan Library

Free Lesson Plans for Teachers

WHDE offers a set of free resources for teachers to help students better understand Korea. The lesson plans cover a variety of topics including geography, religion, economic development, culture, history, and the Korean War. Search our archive of lessons plans by topic, skill or grade level. You can find more teaching resources on the Korean War on the Korean War Legacy Foundation website. Visit teachingaboutnorthkorea.org to find lesson plans and activities for teaching about North Korea.


Showing 1 - 1 of 1 lesson plans:

An Examination of Lessons Learned from Siddhartha (Hesse, H., 1922)

buddha statue

This is a two day exercise to be used as an activity within a unit on Buddhism. Students should be allowed at least one week (including at least one weekend) to read the book Siddhartha (Hesse, H., 1922; English Translation by Applebaum, S., 1998) during unit of study but before the activity.



Author: Kristine Harper

Grades: Secondary (9-12)

Time: Two classes

Participation Year: Fellowship 2018

Skills: Analysis

Topics: Literature, Religion