Sharing Korean War Legacy Foundation Inquiry Strategies and Oral Histories
Leonore Heino introduced the giant wealth of Korean War Legacy Foundation and World History Digital Education resources to Social Studies educators in the Centennial School District located in Minnesota.
Introducing Inquiries
Leonore Heino introduced Social Studies educators to Korean War Inquiries that utilize the C3 Framework and are available on both the Korean War Legacy Foundation and World History Digital Education websites.
Introducing the Interview Archive
Leonore Heino introduced Social Studies educators to veteran interviews located in the Korean War Legacy Foundation’s Interview Archive. Amazed by the sheer volume of interviews as well as the careful cultivation of video clips based on theme and geography, the teachers came away from the presentation with inspiring ways in which to incorporate the teaching of Korea and the Korean War in their classrooms.
“One highlight of the event was when conducting a search of veterans from Minnesota, a teacher noticed a gentleman who he knows personally. We are now inspired to invite him into our classrooms to share his story directly with our kids. This was an incredible lesson on the importance of capturing stories to preserve for future generations.”
-Leonore Heino